Wise Choice to Reverse 10 Years of Your Life

Get your V-Line back by lifting the loose skin on the face and the neck
to the back of your ears. Experience our know-how in TOP CLASS by
basic muscle lifting and reverse 10 years of your face.
- Duration 2~3 Hours
- Anesthesia General Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Not Needed
- Stitch Removal 1~2 weeks
- Hospital Visits 3~4 times
- Recovery Period 1~2weeks
Incision is made from
the scalp above the ear
along the front and rear
fold of the earPortion from the incision
site to SMAS layer is
peeled and the loose
tissue is separated and
removed.Special thread is used to
fix SMAS face muscle
layer under the skin.
Extra skin is removed
and the sutured.
Wrinkle is the most obvious symptoms shown in the forehead. Deep forehead wrinkles developed from aging and repetitive use of muscles can make a person to look old and it even gives intimidating impression. Also loose skin on the forehead and the eyebrows can make the skin around the eyes loose. Thus, forehead lift surgery can improve both wrinkles and loose eyelids at the same time.
- Duration 30mins
- Anesthesia General Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Not Needed
- Stitch Removal 1~2weeks
- Hospital Visits 2 times
- Recovery Period After removing stitches
Design after consulting desired height and shape
2-3 incisions made behind the hairline
After sufficient stripping, part of wrinkle muscle that
causes wrinkles on the forehead is removed and
Endotine is fixed on the forehead.Stripped forehead tissues are pulled upwards and fixed before stitching.
The Beauty that Goes Against the Time
Firm and Elastic Skin TOPCLASS Anti-aging

As people get older, skin gets looser that results in droopy eyelids
due to aging process.
Droopy eyelids can interfere with the vision and it can also make
a person look older by frowning.
Depending on how loose the skin is or individual condition, upper
eyelid lift, eyebrow lift, or lower eyelid lift can be carried out to solve
the problems with the eye area in middle age.
1. Subbrow lift surgery
2. Upper eyelid surgery
3. Lower eyelid surgery
4. One point pulling technique
Eyebrow lift surgery is a surgical method that incise the upper part or lower part of the eyebrow to pull skin and muscle of sagged part of the eyelid. When the patient who does not wish to change existing eyelid line or wants to improve sagged upper eyelid and reveal double eyelid, eyebrow lift surgery is a perfect surgical technique.
- Duration 1 Hour
- Anesthesia General Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Not Needed
- Stitch Removal 1 week after surgery
- Hospital Visits 1 time
- Recovery Period 2~3days
Before Surgery
Shape is designed under
the eyebrows ac cording
to the height and shape
of the eyeSkin and muscle are
removed according to
the design. Droopy
upper eyelids are
corrected by pulling the
orbicularis muscle.Suture the incision
without leaving scar
- Natural Looking EyesIncision are made in the eyebrows that hides the scar and existing double eyelid line is maintained, to the shape of the eyes doesn’t change which yields very natural results.
- Soft ImageBy lifting up droopy eyelids and corrects it, habitual frowning of the forehead and the eye area gets improved and this gives softer impression to the other people.
- Aesthetic & Functional EffectFunctional problems such as eyelashes poking the eyes due to droopy eyelid gets solved. This leads to very high functional satisfaction.
As a person age, eyes become droopy and gives more tired look. Upper eyelid surgery removes sagged skin from droopy part of the eyelid and creates new crease that gives less interruption with the eyesight and prevents the tip of the eyes from becoming festered.
- Duration 1 Hour
- Anesthesia General Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Not Needed
- Stitch Removal 1 week after surgery
- Hospital Visits 1 time
- Recovery Period 2~3days
Before Surgery
Design is made
for incisionLoose skin is
incised according
to the designExtra muscle and
fat are cut and
- Various Double Eyelid LinesRemoving skin and muscles on droopy eyelids and maintaining the original double eyelid line or making new line is possible.
- Young and Elastic EyesBy strengthening the muscle for opening the eyes, eyes are opened wider to create satisfying looking baby face.
- Aesthetic & Functional EffectFunctional problems such as eyelashes poking the eyes due to droopy eyelid gets solved. This leads to very high functional satisfaction.
When a person ages, upper eyelid as well as lower eyelid sags and swells. Instead of simply removing such lower-eye fat, rearrangement of fat and strengthening of septum can be a better option for maintaining firmness and gives correctional effect as well.
- Duration 1 Hour
- Anesthesia General Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Not Needed
- Stitch Removal 1 week after surgery
- Hospital Visits1 time
- Recovery Period 2~3days
Before Surgery
Loose skin and
protruding fat tissues
are removed or
rearrangedLoose muscles are fixed
onto periosteum to
flatten the wrinkles and
the incision is then
sutures with fine threadAfter Surgery
- Soft ImageRemoving wrinkles under the eyes as well as protruding fat layer gives softer impression to the face.
- Invisible ScarFine incision made at the eyelash makes the scar almost invisible after removing stitches
- Dark Circle ImprovementShade made by loose skin and protruding fat layers are disappeared to improve dark circles.
One Point Pulling Technique is a surgical method that pulls the loose under eye wrinkles and muscles through fine incision made at the corner of the eyes.
Fine incision leaves almost no scar and the original shape of the eye is retained and the fat tissue right underneath the eyes become more emphasized that yields softer and more elastic eyes.
- Duration 30 min
- Anesthesia General Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Not Needed
- Stitch Removal 1 week after surgery
- Hospital Visits 1 time
- Recovery Period 1~2days
Before Surgery
Through small incision
of 5mm at the corner
of the eyes, loose skin
and muscles are pulled.Loose muscles are fixed
onto periosteum to
flatten the wrinkles and
the incision is then sutur
es with fine threadAfter Surgery
- Natural Looking EyesIncision are made in the eyebrows that hides the scar and existing double eyelid line is maintained, to the shape of the eyes doesn’t change which yields very natural results.
- Soft ImageBy lifting up droopy eyelids and corrects it, habitual frowning of the forehead and the eye area gets improved and this gives softer impression to the other people.
- Aesthetic & Functional EffectFunctional problems such as eyelashes poking the eyes due to droopy eyelid gets solved. This leads to very high functional satisfaction.